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Knit & Natter

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Every Saturday at Sydenham Library, the Knit & Natter circle comes together to knit (or crochet, sew, stitch, embroider…) and also, and much more importantly, to natter.

Led by Wendy, this is a friendly group of like-minded crafty souls, and a fixture in the library’s week. Bring your own projects along and get some advance, admire other people’s handiwork, and swap tips and stories.

Knit & Natter is free and there is no need to book. However spaces at the library are extremely limited at the moment, so it may be worth calling ahead on 020 8778 1753.

Knit & Natter run a second weekly session at Ignition Brewery from 2-4pm on a Thursday, which currently has more spaces available.

Knit & Natter runs every Saturday except when the library is closed – please do check around holiday times, etc.

This is a recurring event. Repeating every week.