12th Brockley Max Festival kicks off!
Now in its 12th year, the Brockley Max festival is an annual, community festival started by local resident Moira Tait.
The festival is a showcase for a wide range of artists in all media, which provides an opportunity for the broad creative community resident in Brockley, Crofton Park, Ladywell and Honor Oak Park to display its talents to the community and visitors. Our area is unique in having such a large number of artists and volunteers who kindly donate their time, skills and energy to make Brockley Max an exciting and inspiring event.
The festival aims to involve and include residents and visitors of all ages and backgrounds, by providing a diverse range of activities during the festival, and by providing opportunities for members of the community to become directly involved. We aim to inspire people of all ages to use and explore their creative talents, to help us all to knit the community more closely together, so promoting civic pride and neighbourliness.
The festival is organised by Max Media Arts, a not-for-profit Community Interest Company committed to creating arts projects in the community.
Download the 2012 programme Brockley-Max-programme-2012
Go to the Brockley Max website http://brockleymax.co.uk/