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AGM of the Friends of Albion Millennium Green

Sat Feb 23, 11am-1pm in the Community Room of Forest Hill Pools, Dartmouth Road
Friends of Albion Millennium Green welcome everyone to their second AGM, at which Cllr Susan Wise, Cabinet Member responsible for Open Spaces, but also Housing, will speak about the proposed new homes on the nearby Longfield Crescent Estate. There will also be a chance to hear about how the group are working to enhance this little oasis of natural calm on the Forest Hill / Sydenham borders.


1: Apologies

2: Minutes: first Annual General Meeting February 2012

3: Matters arising

4: Chair’s Report: Bruno Roubicek: summary of the year’s activities

5: Councillor Susan Wise: Longfield Crescent new housing proposal, and the Green

6: Chair’s report and discussion, continued:

  • Holy Trinity School/London Bubble Theatre project: Sara Russet
  • Nature’s Gym: Jessica Kyle
  • Open-Air Feasibility Study: Ed Holloway
  • Current and future projects: trees, railway path + lighting, LEAF Festival

7: Secretary’s Report: Tim Lund

8: Treasurer’s Report: Ann Field

9: Proposition for discussion: increase in number of Committee members

9: Election of Committee

10: Any other business