Three Cane Whale concert
A Dame Cicely Saunders 2019 concert
7.30pm 6 June
£12 tickets include interval canapés and wine
St Christopher’s Hospice, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road SE26 6DZ
For more details of location, concert and booking see HERE
Three Cane Whale is a multi-instrumental acoustic trio, influenced by folk, minimalism and chamber music. The trio consists of Alex Vann (mandolin, bowed psaltery, music box, zither and tenor banjo), Pete Judge (trumpet, harmonium, lyre, glockenspiel and dulcitone) and Paul Bradley (acoustic guitar and miniature harp).
At times as intricate as a team of watchmakers and at others as spare as a mountain stream, the music encompasses both a cinematic sweep and an intimate delicacy, evoking a diversity of landscapes, journeys, atmospheres and incidents.