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Merkur Slots

Merkur Slots applies to open slot machine business on
former Santander site at 53 Sydenham Road.

You have until midnight 15 February 2024 to complain (see below)

Merkur Slots has applied under the Gambling Act 2005 for a Bingo Premises Licence at 53 Sydenham Road (the shop previously run by Santander).

The site will be owned by German company Merkur and operated by Eyas Gaming Limited, a company based in Malta. 

The proposal is for a largely unstaffed operation with press-button entry on the door. Many Merkur Slot premises are ‘open’ 24 hours per day. If there are objections by the licensing commmittee to granting a 24 hour licence, Merkur may run the business for a number of months and then re-apply, challenging the committee to produce evidence of ‘harm’. 

The Sydenham Society has received a number of objections from local Sydenham Road retailers and Sydenham residents and intends to object strongly to this application. 

You are also entitled to object. 
 Representations should relate to one or more of the following licensing objectives: 

  • To prevent gambling from being a source of Crime & Disorder
    • To ensure that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way
      • To protect children & other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling

        Please write to 
or to your local councillors by 15th February.
Slot machines
Slot machines