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Bell Green Development Consultation Meeting

7.30pm Tuesday 26th March, St Michael & All Angels Church, Champion Crescent SE26 4HH

Find St Michael & All Angels Church HERE

This meeting will be chaired by a local councillor and will give residents the chance to question the developer on the proposed scheme.

Why are the Sydenham Society (and many local councillors) objecting to this development?

  • The proposal consists of six blocks with heights ranging from 6 to 14 storeys. In our view a development of this scale is completely out of context with the local surroundings – only two other buildings nearby are 8 storeys while the block currently under construction adjacent to Sydenham Green Health Centre will also be 8 storeys high. If this application gets passed it will set an unfortunate precedent for heights of any further new buildings on the Bell Green site. This includes the site on the corner of Alan Pegg Place and Perry Hill and eventually the entire retail park. We’ve seen a forest of such developments spring up in central Lewsham. They are the vertical slums of the future.
  • The proposed buildings will not enhance the setting of the adjacent listed buildings (the Livesey Hall and war memorial).
  • Just 37 of the proposed 262 residential units will be ‘ London affordable’ – and this figure is subject to the availability of grant monies.
  • Looking at the floor plans we note that 26% of the proposed units are ‘single aspect’ – this means they have windows on one side only, a design feature which we understand to be against Council policy.
  • Many flats have a tiny ‘one unit’ open plan space which combines kitchen, living room and dining space. The whole space is only is 6.5m (21 feet) deep.
  • Some one bedroom flats will only have space for a single bed. This is contrary to the Mayor of London’s Design Guide. Surely many couples will be living in a single bedroom flat.