Old Clock House in Beckenham Place Park badly damaged by fire
Huge blaze engulfs much-loved landmark in Beckenham Place Park
Huge blaze engulfs much-loved landmark in Beckenham Place Park
Jonathan Kaufman and Juliette Grassby-Lewis talk on Radio London about the SAF
The well-known architectural historian, Gavin Stamp, talks on lost Victorian Britain
Rounding off the weekend is a Family Fun Day in Home Park and Edinburgh Festival previews at the Hob
The first Saturday of the SAF brings a string of exciting events from storytelling and dance to the official opening of the Festival with Andrew Motion and guests
The opening night of the SAF features children’s musical theatre workshop, soul night with Lorna Marshall and a talk on book cover design
In his third article on watering holes along the East London line, Neil Pettigrew looks at Whitechapel
Sydenham’s fishmongers now selling best-quality meat
Kirkdale Bookshop, Thursday June 23, 7.30pm
Former Nickell’s building to be replaced by new shop premises plus nine flats