Sydenham Police Station to close
Lewisham central police station to become only 24- hour station in borough
Lewisham central police station to become only 24- hour station in borough
A webcast of the all-important Mayor and Cabinet meeting on the 17 February which agreed cuts to the borough’s spending is now available here:
The library discussion starts at around 2.56.00
In what Mayor Steve Bullock called a “meeting in public” rather than ” a public meeting” those members of the public entering the Civic Suite were subjected to full body “pat-downs” and a search of belongings. The half a dozen or so protestors who did manage to get into the meeting had to resort to a few desultory shouts plus throwing a number of badly aimed paper planes towards the Cabinet table. After about an hour the protestors decided to leave.
In a meeting that lasted the best part of five hours, the Mayor approved presentations by officers which will lead to £80m of cuts in the borough over the next four years. Telllingly, the Mayor made a number of exceptions to the cuts on the basis of submissions made to him by individuals and groups who attended the meeting.
Self-styled middle-class dub artists, Sly and Reggie performing their hit We Love Libraries is just one of the exciting acts on Saturday at Sydenham Library Great Library Read-In starting at 11am. Local resident Baroness Warnock, Guardian columnist Lucy Mangan, local author Julie Day and local poet and author Chrissie Gittins will all be appearing. Jill Helmore and Karen Hall, authors of children’s title Stripey Horse will read excerpts from their book.
Activities for kids with a great balloon launch as a climax!
Make sure you get there.
For more details of the Great Library Read-in visit
Southwark estimates that around 400 council jobs will be lost in the next 18 months with more possible losses in future years.
The proposed cuts in brief:
The largest cuts in the borough’s budget in living memory – yet you’d struggle to find any news about this on the Bromley website