Music at the Kirkdale Bookshop
Between Heaven and Earth
Journey into an extraordinary sound world
Music at the Kirkdale Bookshop
272 Kirkdale SE26 4RS
7.30pm on Wednesday 19 August
Local artist and performer Jeff Higley has played for many years with multiinstrumentalist/overtone singer Michael Ormiston and flautist Simon Desorgher of Colourscape. This unique performance features singing bowls, gongs, waterphone, bass flute, Mongolian horse-head fiddle, Indonesian anklungs, and Central Asian vocal overtone singing. Plus special guest.
The second in the bookshop’s new series of concerts promises to be haunting, beguiling and sometimes challenging.
In the interval the audience will have an opportunity
to examine and try the instruments.
Tickets: £10 / £8 students/concessions (includes a glass of wine)
Space limited