Ignition Brewery is crowdfunding – please support them!
Ignition Brewery makes great beer in Sydenham brewed by people with learning disabilities. They are a not-for-profit enterprise that sells beer to create meaningful jobs and a positive environment for members of the local learning disabled community. They pay the London Living Wage through the sales to local bottle shops, cafes, pubs and individuals.
Their brewery is hidden away at the back the Sydenham Centre on our High Street and at the front, is a large, white room with floor-to-ceiling windows facing on to the busy High Street. Lewisham Council own the building and have agreed to let them transform it into a community tap-room that will provide more opportunities for jobs, offer community events and be a great place for a winning night out.
Please visit their Crowdfunding page and help make this happen. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/ignition-1/ There are great rewards for your support!