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Author: Chair

Sydenham Assembly – 7pm Naborhood Centre, Thursday 13 January

The Sydenham Assembly is an opportunity to make your voice heard and find out what is going on in the area. Topics to be discussed include the ‘Our Lewisham, Our Say’ consultation; the Wells Park youth centre and Sydenham Library (the decision on closure has been deferred by the Mayor for two months to allow community groups to develop an alternative solution).

 The following four projects will be bidding for a share of the £25,000 Mayor’s Fund: 

 Project 1 – Sydenham Arts Festival £10,000

 This project addresses the assembly priorities of a vibrant high street and more activities for children and young people. 

 Description – The third annual Sydenham Arts Festival will run from 1 July to 17 July and is currently being planned. In 2011 we intend to provide live performances in the High Street including theatrical performances and exhibitions in “pop-up” shops, a Family Picnic in the (Home) Park with live entertainment and children’s activities working with Friends of Home Park, an open-air Free Film Show in Mayow Park, a Visual Arts Trail and performance workshops.  We are currently in discussions with the Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum, local musicians and performers and many other event organisers about approximately fifty other arts events taking place during the Festival.

 The Sydenham Arts Festival is already established as a major community event and we want to build on this to improve community cohesion and a sense of place. This year we are planning to encourage young people to take part in activities and to put on performances organised by them during the Festival period.  This will not only involve activities and performances during the Festival but will involve planning these events in the months leading up to the Festival. 

 Project 2 – Sydenham Community Radio £5,000 

 This project addresses the assembly priorities of a vibrant high street and more activities for children and young people. 

 Description – The intergenerational project involves teaching young people between the ages of 14 and 18 how to use recording equipment, as well as teaching interviewing skills. Young people will then be taught how to edit pre-recorded material and how to produce and present live programmes.

 Older people will be interviewed on a number of subjects, with a emphasis on how different generations can learn from each other, and programmes will be developed for both online transmission and for on air broadcasts during the summer one month FM license period in 2011. 

 The project aims to promote social cohesion by enabling young and older people to talk and work with each other. Facilitating a community dialogue is central to this project in that both groups will be given a voice through access to a new platform. 

 Project 3 – Sydenham Film Club £4,500 

 This project addresses the assembly priorities of a vibrant high street and more activities for children and young people. 

 Description – This project will deliver on an active inclusive community which is part of the priority for a vibrant high street.  It is hoped to work with young people through the Sydenham and Forest Hill Youth Forum. 

The project will involve residents of the local community as films attract a diverse audience.  It is hoped to build up numbers attending the film club by starting with a regular monthly film show.  Existing networks will be used to promote the film club and attract more volunteers as well as researching what types of film residents would want to see screened eg promoting the film club through the Sydenham Society and Sydenham Arts Festival.  

 Project 4 – Switch It £4,000 

 This project addresses the assembly priorities of a tackling ant-social behaviour and more activities for children and young people. 

 Description – Run by FA trained coach, Jeremy Zulu, and supported by other volunteers in the community, the project delivers the positive activity of football, enhancing health and fitness. It also provides coaching to develop skills, and it provides the environment to discuss issues relevant to young people, encouraging them to receive mentoring, make positive life choices, to turn away from crime and anti-social behaviour and to stay in education and succeed in life. 

 Up to 50 young people a week will attend, engaging in healthy physical activities, enhancing skills, and discussing issues and learning skills for living well. 

 The coaches and mentors enable young people to discuss issues of concern to them, and where necessary receive help with anger management. They are encouraged to do well at sport, avoid exclusion from school, and to aspire to becoming coaches themselves in the future 

 For more information, go to:


7.00       1.      Introduction and welcome                                                 Cllr Chris Best (Chair) 

 7.05       2.        Feedback from last Sydenham Assembly on 11 September

  • Response to Our Lewisham Our Say
  • Station Approach and public conveniences
  • Myplace funding for the Youth Centre

  7.15       3.      Feedback on the previous £50,000 Mayor’s Fund project

  • Sydenham Arts Festival 2009 – £10,000  
  • Silverdale Hall play area – £10,000 
  • Sydenham Mosaic – £10,000  
  • Young People’s Forum residential weekend – £3,700 
  • Forest Hill and Sydenham Youth Forum – £3,000 
  • Switch It! Football and life skills activities project – £3,000 
  • Sydenham Community Radio – £3,000 
  • Small grants programme to support activities in school holidays – £2,000 
  • Greening Sydenham new planting and maintaining green spaces – £2,000 
  • 15th Sydenham Scouts Group – contribution to scouting activities – £1,700 
  • Sydenham Music – outreach work £1,600   

7.25       4.      Feedback on the Locality Fund for 2010/11 

  • Children’s play area for Brasted Close/Peak Hill blocks – £2,500 
  • Prevention of flytipping behind Sydenham Road – £2,500 
  • Promotion of Sydenham Arts Festival 2010 – £2,000 
  • The Three Musketeers including concession ticket prices – £500 
  • Sydenham Music outreach for older people and children – £2,500 

     7.30       5.      Mayor’s Fund 2010/11 £25,000                                     

                        Recommendations by the Coordinating Group

  • Sydenham Arts Festival 2011- £10,000                  Pat Trembath
  • Sydenham Community Radio – £5,000                   Simon Banks
  • Sydenham Film Club – £4,500                                   Joyce Treasure
  • Switch It! Football and life – £4,000                          Jeremy Zulu                                    

                        Paper voting on the proposals                                       Everyone                  Groups must receive over 51%  

                        Total bid is £23,500 leaving £1,500  

8.10       6.      Future Sydenham – vibrant high street                       Tim Lund

8.30       7.      Information, Open questions and answers 

  • Sydenham Library

Closing date for submissions of interest 20 January 

8.55       8.     Date for the next Assembly meeting      

  • Thursday 3 March 2011 

Any volunteers want to join the Coordinating Group?

 9.00       9.      Close

Application to open Money Shop at 59 Sydenham Road refused

LBL planning have refused permission to turn 59 Sydenham Road –  the former curtain shop at the corner of Sydenham and Queensthorpe Roads – into a Money Shop.  

The refusal is on the grounds that “The proposed change of use to Financial and Professional Services (Use Class A2) would result in the loss of retail floorspace within a designated core shopping frontage, detracting from the range of retail services available within the defined district centre, which would have an adverse impact upon the vitality and viability of the area, contrary to Policy STC 4 Major and District Centres – Core Shopping Areas in the adopted Unitary Development Plan (July 2004).”

For more information go to:

The Money Shop describe themselves as ” the UK’s No.1 for Cheque Cashing, Payday Loans (Cash ’til Payday) and Cash Loans. We have over 350 Stores across the UK.”

Make learning a new skill your New Year’s resolution

If you want to develop new skills, change your career or simply learn for fun as part of your New Year’s resolution, then adult learning in Lewisham may be the answer.

Community Education Lewisham has a wide range of adult learning courses that are perfect for those wanting to gain new skills, meet new people or even learn a new language.
Cabinet Member for Community Services, Councillor Chris Best, said: “The New Year always signifies change and new directions. Adult education is an ideal way for people to start making those changes in their own lives. It’s a chance to grow as an individual and learn new skills. And it’s the perfect way to create the new you.”Registration is now open and classes begin on Monday 10 January 2011.
Full prospectus
Extras prospectus (“taster ” short courses not leading to professional qualifications which allow you to try out an area of interest)

Why it’s now virtually £300 per year more expensive to travel from Penge East than Sydenham

An annual season ticket including tube travel now costs almost £3oo more per year if you travel from Penge East rather than Sydenham station.

This is in large part a result of over-the-top fare rises by Southeastern who run the line from Orpington to Victoria via Penge East and Sydenham Hill. Whilst Southern (and LOROL) who run the Sydenham line have announced more modest fare rises, Southeastern have hiked the cost of an annual season ticket by 12.5%

The fact that Penge East is in Zone 4 and Sydenham in Zone 3, simply does not explain the considerable differences in fares. 

In reaction to the rises, Rochester and Strood Conservative MP, Mark Reckless and Labour MP for Erith and Thamesmead, Teresa Pearce, have both called for Southeastern to be stripped of the franchise.

Below is a list of annual season ticket prices from Sydenham and Penge East:

Sydenham to London Bridge/Charing Cross (train only)

Days/Months Price
7 Days £21.00
1 Month £80.70
3 Months £242.00
6 Months £483.90
12 Months £840.00

Sydenham to London Bridge/Charing Cross including tube

Days/Months Price
7 Days £32.20
1 Month £123.70
3 Months £371.00
6 Months £741.90
12 Months £1,288.00

Penge East to Victoria (train only)

Days/Months Price
7 Days £27.90
1 Month £107.20
3 Months £321.50
6 Months £642.90
12 Months £1,116.00

 Penge East to Victoria including tube

Days/Months Price
7 Days £39.40
1 Month £151.30
3 Months £453.90
6 Months £907.80
12 Months £1,576.00

Want to hear one of the world’s great musicians? He’s appearing at St Christopher’s Hospice on Thursday 6 January

Ever since he made his debut concert at the Festival Hall at the age of 12, cellist Robert Cohen was destined for musical greatness. As a soloist, concerto-player, chamber musician, director and inspirational teacher, Robert has established himself as one of the foremost cellists of our time.

See Robert Cohen with accompanist Elizabeth Burley at 7.30 on Thursday 6 January at the opening concert of the 2011 St Christopher’s Concert season

£12 tickets include canapes and wine during the interval.

Dame Cicely Saunders Room, St Christopher’s Hospice, 51-59 Lawrie Park Road   Tel: 020 8768 4500

See a video of Robert Cohen in action:

Minister calls on local authorities to reduce street clutter

In a letter to the leaders of local authorities Communities and Local Government minister Eric Pickles confirms the coalition government’s commitment to reducing street clutter, and asks borough chiefs, to make the same commitment. The minister points out that streets and roads make up around three quarters of all public space, and unattractive clutter can impact on people’s quality of life, causing confusion for drivers and pedestrians and affecting safety.

The Minister’s letter in full:

Our thanks to London Forum for this information.

Recycle your Christmas tree

According to tradition, Twelfth Night (5th January) is the date when all Christmas decorations should be removed otherwise it will bring bad luck upon your home. You can recycle your tree at Sydenham Wells Park (Wells Park Road entrance) and at Mayow Road (Mayow Road entrance) until 28 January. The trees are chipped and used as mulch in parks around the borough.

Don’t be put off if you find there are no other trees at the entrance to the park – it will be due to the fact that they have already been picked up by Glendale. Just place your tree to one side away from the entrance itself.

 Real trees only are accepted!

Government to help prevent pubs turning into flats?

Pub Minister Bob Neill has launched a public consultation into the use of “restrictive covenants” which make it easier for pub landlords to shut down pubs and turn them over to property developers.

If  made into law, the removal of this restriction could prevent breweries making sure that a pub can’t be bought by one of its rivals when they come to sell the premises.

The move has been welcomed by  Camra’s chief executive, Mike Benner,  who said: “Restrictive covenants are used by pub companies to deprive local communities of their pubs, at a time when 29 pubs are closing every week.

Between 2004 and 2009, this happened to almost 600 pubs.

He welcomed the consultation as a “great success for localism” and added: “It shows that government recognises that pubs are vital community assets that need to be protected.

For the new community right-to-buy scheme to work, pubs need to be available for communities to keep open.

It’s a victory too for people power: this proposal came from communities on the ground, via their local councils. ”

Photograph above courtesy of Steve Grindlay

Visit Columbia Road Flower Market

The new East London line puts us into contact with great places in London you’d rarely have visited a few months ago before the line opened. So if  you’re looking for something to do on a spare Sunday morning, why not visit Columbia Road Flower market – close to Hoxton station on the East London line?

Open from 8am-2pm every Sunday, the market has over 50 flower stalls selling plants and flowers at unbelieveable bargain prices (leave it until near closing time and you’ll get even better prices!). And Columbia Road and the adjoining streets are packed with interesting boutiques, art galleries, vintage clothes shops and the like.

Hackney City Farm with the wonderful Cafe Frizzante  is just along the road.

For directions from Hoxton station visit:,27494&xhr=t&cp=13&rlz=1R2GZHY_enGB337&wrapid=tljp1293545281170024&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=columbia+road+flower+market&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=columbia+road+flower+market&cid=0,0,16371762784659927086&ei=SO8ZTYqOEcPChAeFkqW4Dg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=2&sqi=2&ved=0CCkQnwIwAQ