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St Philip Neri School

Public Consultation / Revised Design Proposals at Our Lady & St Philip Neri School

Following meetings with the school governors and Lewisham Council, the proposed external design of the school has been further developed and improved. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark wish to invite the school’s neighbours and the public to view and comment on these designs at a meeting in the school hall from 5pm to 7.30pm on Thursday 31 January 2019. To be held at Our Lady and St Philip Neri Catholic Primary School, 208 Sydenham Road SE26 5SE. 0208 778 4386.

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Risk of formal enforcement action for Our Lady and St Philip Neri School

Lewisham Planning gives builder (Darwin/Built Off Site) 28 days to show how they intend to remedy the breaches of planning control. 

Height of building, cladding, windows and surrounding fences are amongst many items the developer will have to address.

A public meeting about the new St Philip Neri school development was held at Sydenham Library on Thursday 19 July. Just over 50 local people attended with six others who were unable to attend sending written questions. The meeting was chaired by local councillor Tom Copley and attended by Viv Evans, Lewisham’s interim Head of Planning. There were no representatives from the builder, developer or the diocese of Southwark and the head teacher sent his apologies. A member of the board of governors was present.

Since the meeting Lewisham has carried out a first survey of what’s been built and compared this to what was given planning permission. Now Lewisham has taken clear steps to ensure that the builder remedies all of the faults. You can read the report which points out some blatant disregard of planning permissions below.

A further public meeting will be held in the Autumn. In the meantime, we’ll keep you abreast of developments.

Our Lady & St Philip Neri school update

At the Sydenham Assembly on Wednesday June 13 a packed audience voted overwhelmingly to support the Sydenham Society’s call for a public meeting to be held within the next 10 days to discuss the outstanding issues to do with the planning permission. We’ve asked for representatives from the school, the diocese and the London Borough of Lewisham’s planning department to be present, to answer questions from local residents. We’ve also asked that, before the meeting, planners supply us with a list of the discrepancies between the approved plans and the structure that has been built. Our councillors are now pressing for the meeting to take place.

We are seeking firm reassurance that the new school hall (currently under construction) will be built according to planning consents. There should be no possibility that this building proceeds along the same lines as the one currently occupied.

As soon as we have a date, time and venue for the meeting we’ll publish the information here.

Our Lady & St Philip Neri School re-build

Sydenham Society will present a motion to the Sydenham Assembly at the meeting tonight, 7pm – 9pm, Wednesday 13 June at Sydenham Centre, 44a Sydenham Road, London SE26 5QX.

The Sydenham Assembly calls for a public meeting to be held well before the start of the school summer holiday to discuss the rebuilding of the school.

The building has not been constructed in accordance with the planning permission granted in 2016, yet it has been occupied by children and staff. It should be re-built strictly in line with the original planning permission even if this means substantial reconstruction.

The public meeting should be held in accordance with the Statement of Community Involvement (as set out in the Lewisham Development Framework) and all stakeholders (local residents, the school, councillors, the developers and relevant officers from Lewisham Council) should be present.